Read more about the article Plant Edema: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment
Sweet potato vine with signs of edema, Okra In My Garden

Plant Edema: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

Most people are familiar with edema, the term used for the swelling that occurs when body tissue retains too much fluid.  But few are aware that edema can also occur in plants.What is Plant Edema?Plant edema, or oedema as it is also spelled, is a condition that occurs when a…

Read more about the article Powdery Mildew Prevention and Treatment
Zucchini leaf with powdery mildew, Okra In My Garden

Powdery Mildew Prevention and Treatment

What is Powdery Mildew?Powdery mildew is a fungal disease that is caused by one of several different types of fungi, depending on the host plant.  For many gardeners, it can be the bane of their gardening existence.  If you haven't experienced, just wait, you will. This disease can affect all manner…

Read more about the article What is Damping Off or Fusarium Wilt?
Fursarium wilt, Green Life Crop Protection

What is Damping Off or Fusarium Wilt?

What is Damping Off or Fusarium Wilt?Fusarium wilt, better known among home gardeners as damping off, is a disease that afflicts the vascular system of plants.  It most commonly infects plants in the nightshade (solanaceous) family, such as tomato, pepper, potato, and eggplant. Soil contaminated with the fungus can keep seeds…

Read more about the article Verticillium Wilt in Container Gardens
Verticillium Wilt - Ontario Crop IPM

Verticillium Wilt in Container Gardens

Verticillium wilt is a fungal disease that resides in the soil where it attacks the plant’s roots before spreading throughout the vascular system.  Many vegetable plants such as okra are susceptible to this destructive disease, but especially tomato and potato plants.Verticillium Wilt SymptomsThis soil-borne fungus can be difficult to diagnose…