Read more about the article 5 Reasons Why Radishes Don’t Develop
Underdeveloped radishes, Okra In My Garden

5 Reasons Why Radishes Don’t Develop

Radishes are considered by many to be one of the easiest crops to grow, whether it's in a traditional bed, raised bed, or in a container.  This amazing root vegetable brings a crunch and a unique flavor to any dish.  Sometimes, however, radishes don't fully develop as they should.  Instead…

Read more about the article How to Grow Radishes
Harvest of radishes

How to Grow Radishes

Radishes are globed-shaped root vegetables that are members of the brassica family, which includes broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, and kale. Depending on the variety, radishes can be red, pink, white, purple, and even black! They pack a peppery flavor and are a source of vitamin C, iron, potassium, folate,…

Read more about the article How to Get Rid of Cabbage Worms
Cabbage worm, photo by J. Obermeyer

How to Get Rid of Cabbage Worms

Cabbage and related brassicas are the preferred plants for a variety of caterpillars or worms as they are sometimes erroneously referred to.  Cabbage loopers, the checkered cabbage white butterfly, and the imported cabbage white butterfly ( both the small white and the large white) are common pests found in gardens.…

Read more about the article Cabbage Loopers and How to Get Rid of Them
Cabbage looper on Brussels sprouts, Okra In My Garden

Cabbage Loopers and How to Get Rid of Them

If you haven't seen a cabbage looper in person, just wait.  It is a common pest and one of the easiest to identify in the home garden.  The light green caterpillar (larva), found throughout North America and Mexico, has white stripes down its back and measures approximately 1 to 2…

Read more about the article How to Grow Swiss Chard
Rainbow Swiss Chard, Okra in My Garden

How to Grow Swiss Chard

Swiss chard, or chard as it is also called, is one of the most nutritious, low maintenance plants you can have in your garden.  Not only is it easy to grow, but its beautiful foliage also adds vibrant color to any growing space. Swiss chard is similar to kale in…

Read more about the article Green Lynx Spider
Green Lynx Spider on okra plant, Okra In My Garden

Green Lynx Spider

The Green Lynx Spider is a beautiful, bright green arachnid with long legs.  It is found in the southern United States, especially in the Gulf Coast region, as well as some locations in Northern California.  It also lives in Mexico, Central America, Venezuela, Jamaica, and the West Indies.  The spider…

Read more about the article How to Start a Container Garden
Young butternut squash growing in a container, Okra In My Garden

How to Start a Container Garden

Starting a garden can seem a bit intimidating.  You may think that only those with a green thumb can grow a successful garden. But the truth is, having a productive garden has nothing to do with the color of your thumb.  Rather, it has everything to do with having a…

Read more about the article How to Grow Oregano
Oregano, Okra In My Garden

How to Grow Oregano

Oregano is one of the most beloved herbs around the world.  Its name stems from the Greek words oros, which means mountain, and ganos, which means joy.  In other words, this herb is the joy of the mountain.  Its aroma is amazing, and the taste compliments so many dishes, especially…

Read more about the article Spinach, Cucumber, and Basil Soup
Okra In My Garden

Spinach, Cucumber, and Basil Soup

Spinach, Cucumber, and Basil SoupOne thing about living in a warmer climate is that you have to wait a long time for "soup weather."  A seriously long time.  Thankfully, there are some soups that we Southerners can eat during the warmer months that don't make us feel like we have…

Read more about the article Mealybug or Mealybug Destroyer Larva?
Mealybug destroyer larva (right) and young mealybug nymphs, G. Bohne, Berlin, Germany

Mealybug or Mealybug Destroyer Larva?

Mealybugs are common pests that plague both indoor plants and outdoor gardens.  Nymphs and adult mealybugs equally pose a threat because they suck the sap out of plants via their needle-like stylets, causing leaves to turn yellow and drop off.  Flower buds and fruit are also at risk. What's more,…