Savory Zucchini Patties

Want Another Way to Use All That Zucchini From Your Garden?If you grow zucchini plants in your garden, then you know they can be prolific producers!  I have two Black Beauty variety in my container garden, and they've provided me with so much zucchini, even after giving some away, I…

Read more about the article How to Make Pesto Using Basil From Your Garden
Basil Pesto, Okra In My Garden

How to Make Pesto Using Basil From Your Garden

Fresh Basil Pesto!If you're like me, one of the reasons you grow basil is so that you'll have plenty of delicious pesto on hand.  The traditional way of making this delightful sauce is with Parmesan cheese and pine nuts.  For those of us with an autoimmune issue,  or if you…

Read more about the article How to Plant, Grow, and Harvest Basil
Fresh cut basil, Okra In My Garden

How to Plant, Grow, and Harvest Basil

Someone once said that basil tastes like summer.  I would agree. This beautiful herb flourishes in the summer months, and its very distinctive taste and fragrance are unlike any other member of the mint family to which it belongs. Basil originated from India, and it is a key ingredient in…

Read more about the article Powdery Mildew Prevention and Treatment
Zucchini leaf with powdery mildew, Okra In My Garden

Powdery Mildew Prevention and Treatment

What is Powdery Mildew?Powdery mildew is a fungal disease that is caused by one of several different types of fungi, depending on the host plant.  For many gardeners, it can be the bane of their gardening existence.  If you haven't experienced, just wait, you will. This disease can affect all manner…


6 Reasons Your Okra Plant Doesn’t Have Flowers

The first time I planted okra, I thought there was something wrong with my plants.  They looked healthy, but they hadn't bloomed.  I longed to see the beautiful okra blossoms, which resemble those of its "cousin" the hibiscus.  But what I longed for, even more, was okra!  No flowers meant…

Read more about the article How to Grow Fresh Tasting Lettuce in Containers
Lettuce mix grown in containers

How to Grow Fresh Tasting Lettuce in Containers

Lettuce may not be the first thing that comes to mind when you think about what to plant in your garden, but maybe it should be.  This low calorie veggie is not only a good source of dietary fiber, it's also full of vitamins like A, K and C, as…

Read more about the article 9 Ways to Organically Treat Aphids in Your Garden
Aphids can be treated with neem oil, Okra In My Garden

9 Ways to Organically Treat Aphids in Your Garden

What Are Aphids? If you've been gardening for any length of time, chances are you've encountered aphids.  These tiny, 1/8" to 1/4" long, soft-bodied, insects are equal opportunity destroyers, setting up camp on stems and the underside of leaves.  There are several hundred varieties of aphids that attack food crops,…

Read more about the article How To Easily Grow Zucchini in Containers
Morning harvest, Okra in My Garden

How To Easily Grow Zucchini in Containers

Zucchini is a summer squash with an edible skin.  It is believed to have originated in northern Italy. This amazing vegetable, low in calories and high in vitamin C, is a member of the cucurbit family, along with cucumbers, patty pan (scallop) squash, acorn squash, and melons.  It's known as…

Read more about the article What is Damping Off or Fusarium Wilt?
Fursarium wilt, Green Life Crop Protection

What is Damping Off or Fusarium Wilt?

What is Damping Off or Fusarium Wilt?Fusarium wilt, better known among home gardeners as damping off, is a disease that afflicts the vascular system of plants.  It most commonly infects plants in the nightshade (solanaceous) family, such as tomato, pepper, potato, and eggplant. Soil contaminated with the fungus can keep seeds…

Read more about the article 5 Reasons Cucumber and Squash Plants Lack Female Flowers
Female (left) and male (right) zucchini flowers, Okra In My Garden

5 Reasons Cucumber and Squash Plants Lack Female Flowers

Some vegetable plants, like cucumber, zucchini, and squash, have both male and female flowers.  Pollen from the stamen of the male flower must be transported to the ovary (which looks like a miniature version of the fruit) on the female flower.  This usually occurs courtesy of bees and other pollinating…