Read more about the article 4 Easy Steps to Prepare Your Garden for Winter
Snow covered garden, Okra In My Garden

4 Easy Steps to Prepare Your Garden for Winter

For most gardens, the growing season will come to an end in either late fall or early winter, a fact that avid gardeners might not welcome, but one that we are better off accepting and planning for. Fortunately, there are certain things that we can do to protect our plants…

Read more about the article 8 Ways Container Gardening is Better Than Traditional Gardening
Zucchini growing in container, Okra In My Garden

8 Ways Container Gardening is Better Than Traditional Gardening

Growing in containers may not be the first thing that comes to mind when you think about gardening.  But there are several benefits that container gardening has over traditional gardening.  Here are eight benefits to growing vegetables, herbs, and flowers in containers:1. Easy to Relocate PlantsLocation, location, location.  Where you…

Read more about the article Spider Mites: How to Identify and Treat Them
Red spider mite, a.k.a. two spotted spider mite, Giles San Martin, flickr

Spider Mites: How to Identify and Treat Them

Spider mites are not insects.  Instead, they are members of the arachnid family, as are spiders and ticks.  They are so small that they are difficult to see without a magnifying glass.  While they are almost invisible, the damage they inflict is not.  This garden pest feeds on the leaves…

Read more about the article Can Ladybugs Contract A Sexually Transmitted Disease?
Ladybug, Okra In My Garden

Can Ladybugs Contract A Sexually Transmitted Disease?

Perhaps the last thing we would associate with the diminutive red beetle with the black spots is a sexually transmitted disease.  But believe it or not, ladybugs, or ladybirds and lady beetles as they are also sometimes called, can contract a disease that is transmitted during copulation.  As it turns…

Read more about the article How to Grow Beautiful Marigolds
French marigolds, Okra In My Garden

How to Grow Beautiful Marigolds

Marigolds are one of the easiest flowers to grow.  They are perfect for beginner gardeners, although experienced gardeners will love them also.  In addition to being easy to grow, they are low maintenance, hardy, and beautiful! The yellow, gold, orange, or maroon blossoms,  show off their warm hues from spring to fall.…

Read more about the article How to Grow Fragrant Rosemary

How to Grow Fragrant Rosemary

Rosemary is a beautiful, fragrant herb that originated in the Mediterranean. Like lavender, thyme, oregano, and basil, it is a member of the mint family. This low-maintenance shrub has slender, needle-like leaves that grow on woody stems.  It can reach between two and six feet (.6 and 1.8 meters) tall and…

Read more about the article 8 Reasons Why Carrots Grow Deformed and How to Prevent It
Deformed carrots, Katharine Shilcutt, flickr

8 Reasons Why Carrots Grow Deformed and How to Prevent It

Lush, green carrots tops are not always a sign that the root is developing properly beneath the soil.  On the contrary, while the tops look healthy and vibrant, the roots can be stunted, forked, twisted, or otherwise deformed.  It can be disappointing and frustrating to wait 75 to 80 days…

Read more about the article Root Knot Nematodes: The Best Treatment Methods
Root knot nematode on cantaloupe, Gerald Holmes, Strawberry Center, Cal Poly San Luis Obispo,

Root Knot Nematodes: The Best Treatment Methods

Nematodes are microscopic roundworms categorized as either predatory or parasitic.  Predatory nematodes hunt down garden pests, like cutworms and squash vine borers, and are considered beneficial by gardeners.  On the other hand, parasitic nematodes, like root knot nematodes, feed on plant roots and cause considerable crop damage.Root knot nematodes attack…