Read more about the article 8 Reasons Why Carrots Grow Deformed and How to Prevent It
Deformed carrots, Katharine Shilcutt, flickr

8 Reasons Why Carrots Grow Deformed and How to Prevent It

Lush, green carrots tops are not always a sign that the root is developing properly beneath the soil.  On the contrary, while the tops look healthy and vibrant, the roots can be stunted, forked, twisted, or otherwise deformed.  It can be disappointing and frustrating to wait 75 to 80 days…

Read more about the article Bean Rust: How to Identify, Treat, and Prevent It
Bean rust on black-eyed pea, Okra In My Garden

Bean Rust: How to Identify, Treat, and Prevent It

Bean rust is a fungal disease that attacks legumes, like black-eyed peas, purple hull peas, green beans, pole beans, fava beans, snow peas, snap peas, etc.  The spores, which spread easily, can affect all parts of the plant, including the leaves, pods, stems, and shoots. Rust fungi have a complicated life…

Read more about the article How to Grow Turnips in Beds or Containers
Basket of turnips, Okra In My Garden

How to Grow Turnips in Beds or Containers

Turnips are members of the brassica family, and therefore, better suited to the cooler weather of spring and fall.  This root crop is often considered to be a sweeter and less starchy substitute for potatoes.  Turnips, like carrots and other root crops, can easily be grown in containers or raised…

Read more about the article How to Grow Patty Pan (Scallop) Squash
Patty pan (Scallop) squash, Okra In My Garden

How to Grow Patty Pan (Scallop) Squash

Patty pan squash, also known as scallop squash, sunburst squash, white squash, scaloppini, and button squash, is a summer squash that has a nutty buttery flavor.  Unlike the elongated cylindrical shape of zucchini or the somewhat elongated or crooked neck of yellow squash, patty pan squash has a flattened spherical…

Read more about the article How to Grow Lavender in Beds or Containers
Lavender, Claire Gray

How to Grow Lavender in Beds or Containers

Lavender is a perennial herb with gray-green foliage and fragrant flowers that range from blue-purple to dark purple.  It is a member of the mint family and is native to the Mediterranean.  It thrives in sunny, dry conditions, although it will grow in other environments. Lavandula, the herb's official Latin…

Read more about the article 4 Ways to Successfully Propagate Lavender
Lavender, Gemma Evans, Unsplash

4 Ways to Successfully Propagate Lavender

Lavender is a popular herb that is native to the Mediterranean.  It is known for its beautiful, fragrant purple flowers.  Many gardeners purchase additional plant starts instead of propagating lavender because the herb has a bit of a reputation for being difficult to multiply.  While purchasing plant starts is effective,…

Read more about the article How to Grow Dill in Beds or Containers
Dill flowers, Okra In My Garden

How to Grow Dill in Beds or Containers

Dill is an annual, self-seeding herb that has wispy stems and feathery leaves. Both the leaves and seeds are edible, and they are perhaps best known for flavoring pickles. But dill is also used to season soups, fish, roasted potatoes, and other vegetables.In addition to seasoning foods, this native Mediterranean…

Read more about the article How to Protect Cucurbits From Pickleworms
Young pickleworm, John L. Capinera, University of Florida

How to Protect Cucurbits From Pickleworms

Pickleworms first appeared in the United States in 1869 when they were discovered inside pickling cucumbers, hence the name.  While this caterpillar does attack cucumbers, it prefers summer squashes, like yellow squash, zucchini, and pattypan (scallop) squash.  It will also attack other cucurbits like cantaloupe, pumpkin, winter squash, and sometimes watermelon, although it is…

Read more about the article 6 Reasons Why Cucumbers are Deformed
Deformed cucumber from incomplete pollination, Okra In My Garden

6 Reasons Why Cucumbers are Deformed

It can be frustrating to patiently wait for cucumbers to mature on the vine only to discover that the beautiful produce you longed for is deformed.  When something like this happens, the first question we tend to ask is, what went wrong?  The second question is, what can I do…

Read more about the article Chamomile: How to Grow, Harvest, and Preserve It
Chamomile, Okra In My Garden

Chamomile: How to Grow, Harvest, and Preserve It

Chamomile is a member of the Aster (Asteraceae) family as are daisies, calendula, zinnias, dahlias, cosmos, marigolds, artichokes, and lettuce. The two main types of chamomile are Roman chamomile, which is also referred to as English and Russian chamomile, and German chamomile, which is also called Hungarian, Italian, and blue…