Read more about the article How to Grow Fragrant Rosemary

How to Grow Fragrant Rosemary

Rosemary is a beautiful, fragrant herb that originated in the Mediterranean. Like lavender, thyme, oregano, and basil, it is a member of the mint family. This low-maintenance shrub has slender, needle-like leaves that grow on woody stems.  It can reach between two and six feet (.6 and 1.8 meters) tall and…

Read more about the article 8 Reasons Why Carrots Grow Deformed and How to Prevent It
Deformed carrots, Katharine Shilcutt, flickr

8 Reasons Why Carrots Grow Deformed and How to Prevent It

Lush, green carrots tops are not always a sign that the root is developing properly beneath the soil.  On the contrary, while the tops look healthy and vibrant, the roots can be stunted, forked, twisted, or otherwise deformed.  It can be disappointing and frustrating to wait 75 to 80 days…

Read more about the article Root Knot Nematodes: The Best Treatment Methods
Root knot nematode on cantaloupe, Gerald Holmes, Strawberry Center, Cal Poly San Luis Obispo,

Root Knot Nematodes: The Best Treatment Methods

Nematodes are microscopic roundworms categorized as either predatory or parasitic.  Predatory nematodes hunt down garden pests, like cutworms and squash vine borers, and are considered beneficial by gardeners.  On the other hand, parasitic nematodes, like root knot nematodes, feed on plant roots and cause considerable crop damage.Root knot nematodes attack…

Read more about the article Bean Rust: How to Identify, Treat, and Prevent It
Bean rust on black-eyed pea, Okra In My Garden

Bean Rust: How to Identify, Treat, and Prevent It

Bean rust is a fungal disease that attacks legumes, like black-eyed peas, purple hull peas, green beans, pole beans, fava beans, snow peas, snap peas, etc.  The spores, which spread easily, can affect all parts of the plant, including the leaves, pods, stems, and shoots. Rust fungi have a complicated life…

Read more about the article Why You Should Plant a Fall Garden
Fall Vegetable Harvest

Why You Should Plant a Fall Garden

Let's face it.  Sometimes gardening is hard work.  The excitement and anticipation that was abundant in the spring are replaced with frustration and disappointment.  Insect and disease pressure, not to mention the sweltering heat of summer, have diminished the harvest and the desire to garden.  By the time August rolls…

Read more about the article The Invasive Spotted Lanternfly
Adult spotted lanternfly

The Invasive Spotted Lanternfly

The spotted lanternfly may not be an insect that is familiar to many of us, but it soon could be.  This beautiful but destructive pest is an invasive species that is native to China, India, Vietnam, and eastern Asia.  It was first observed in the United States in Pennsylvania in…

Read more about the article Assassin Bugs: The Garden Predators
Milkweed assassin bug, Okra In My Garden

Assassin Bugs: The Garden Predators

Assassin bugs are not your average garden variety insect.  Instead of eating plants, they feed on a wide assortment of garden pests and their larvae, including aphids, armyworms, caterpillars, mosquitoes, beetles, and leafhoppers.  These fearless feeders will even attack bugs that are bigger than they are.  The downside to their…

Read more about the article How to Grow Turnips in Beds or Containers
Basket of turnips, Okra In My Garden

How to Grow Turnips in Beds or Containers

Turnips are members of the brassica family, and therefore, better suited to the cooler weather of spring and fall.  This root crop is often considered to be a sweeter and less starchy substitute for potatoes.  Turnips, like carrots and other root crops, can easily be grown in containers or raised…

Read more about the article Powdery Mildew and Downy Mildew:  What’s the Difference?
Powdery Mildew and Downy Mildew

Powdery Mildew and Downy Mildew: What’s the Difference?

Fungal diseases like black sooty mold, Cercospora leaf spot, Fusarium wilt, and Verticillium wilt can seemingly appear overnight, threatening the plants we have labored to care for.  To successfully combat plant diseases such as these, it is important to identify them and treat them while they are still in the…