Read more about the article Assassin Bugs: The Garden Predators
Milkweed assassin bug, Okra In My Garden

Assassin Bugs: The Garden Predators

Assassin bugs are not your average garden variety insect.  Instead of eating plants, they feed on a wide assortment of garden pests and their larvae, including aphids, armyworms, caterpillars, mosquitoes, beetles, and leafhoppers.  These fearless feeders will even attack bugs that are bigger than they are.  The downside to their…

Read more about the article How to Grow Turnips in Beds or Containers
Basket of turnips, Okra In My Garden

How to Grow Turnips in Beds or Containers

Turnips are members of the brassica family, and therefore, better suited to the cooler weather of spring and fall.  This root crop is often considered to be a sweeter and less starchy substitute for potatoes.  Turnips, like carrots and other root crops, can easily be grown in containers or raised…

Read more about the article Powdery Mildew and Downy Mildew:  What’s the Difference?
Powdery Mildew and Downy Mildew

Powdery Mildew and Downy Mildew: What’s the Difference?

Fungal diseases like black sooty mold, Cercospora leaf spot, Fusarium wilt, and Verticillium wilt can seemingly appear overnight, threatening the plants we have labored to care for.  To successfully combat plant diseases such as these, it is important to identify them and treat them while they are still in the…

Read more about the article Downy Mildew: How to Identify, Treat, and Prevent It
Downy mildew on cucumber, New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station

Downy Mildew: How to Identify, Treat, and Prevent It

Downy mildew is a fungus-like pathogen that appears in gardens in the spring and fall when wet, cool conditions are present. Often confused with powdery mildew, which is a true fungus, downy mildew is a parasitic organism classified as an oomycete or a water mold. Not surprisingly, downy mold, as the condition is also known,…

Read more about the article The Fascinating Golden Tortoise Beetle
Golden Tortoise Beetle, Kenneth Ng, Flickr

The Fascinating Golden Tortoise Beetle

Tortoise beetles are some of the most fascinating beetles in the garden.  They measure a mere 5 to 7 mm (approximately 1/4") and come in a variety of striking colors like metallic gold, rust, orange, metallic green, and metallic blue.  At first glance, the metallic ones look like sequins.  These members…

Read more about the article Composting 101: A Beginner’s Easy Guide
Compost, Okra In My Garden

Composting 101: A Beginner’s Easy Guide

Gardeners and homesteaders alike have long known the benefits of adding compost to their gardens.  Healthy soil is the key to healthy plants, and the addition of compost enriches soil health.  Black gold, as the fully decomposed waste is often called, is teeming with macro and micronutrients and beneficial microbes…


8 Composting Methods: How to Choose the One That’s Best For You

Compost is the byproduct of organic matter that has undergone the decaying process.  It is a nutrient-dense material teeming with beneficial microorganisms.  When added to soil, not only does compost improve the nutritional and microbial profile, but it also improves soil structure, enabling better water retention and drainage, especially in…

Read more about the article How to Grow Patty Pan (Scallop) Squash
Patty pan (Scallop) squash, Okra In My Garden

How to Grow Patty Pan (Scallop) Squash

Patty pan squash, also known as scallop squash, sunburst squash, white squash, scaloppini, and button squash, is a summer squash that has a nutty buttery flavor.  Unlike the elongated cylindrical shape of zucchini or the somewhat elongated or crooked neck of yellow squash, patty pan squash has a flattened spherical…

Read more about the article How to Grow Lavender in Beds or Containers
Lavender, Claire Gray

How to Grow Lavender in Beds or Containers

Lavender is a perennial herb with gray-green foliage and fragrant flowers that range from blue-purple to dark purple.  It is a member of the mint family and is native to the Mediterranean.  It thrives in sunny, dry conditions, although it will grow in other environments. Lavandula, the herb's official Latin…

Read more about the article 4 Ways to Successfully Propagate Lavender
Lavender, Gemma Evans, Unsplash

4 Ways to Successfully Propagate Lavender

Lavender is a popular herb that is native to the Mediterranean.  It is known for its beautiful, fragrant purple flowers.  Many gardeners purchase additional plant starts instead of propagating lavender because the herb has a bit of a reputation for being difficult to multiply.  While purchasing plant starts is effective,…